  • ISSN (Online)
Publication Fees/ Article Processing Charges (APC)
  • $1350
Differential Pricing (e.g. Region, Country, Subscription, etc)


Details of Differential Pricing

F1000Research Advisory Board members: Our advisory board receive a 20% discount.

F1000Research reviewers: All reviewers receive a 20% discount on one article submitted within the ensuing 12 months.

Discounts cannot be combined to cover the fee for a single article. If authors on an article are eligible for various individual discounts, the largest discount is applied.

They fully support the Research4Life Access to Research in Health Programme. For articles presenting original research a full waiver is given to authors whose main funder is in the HINARI Group A countries, and a 50% discount to authors whose main funder is in the Group B countries. If no formal funding was received, the country of origin of most authors' institutions will be taken as the source country. If there is no majority country, the primary affiliation country of the corresponding author will determine waiver eligibility.

Type of Articles Accepted
Citation Metrics
  • Level of Impact Factor
    Level 8
  • CiteScore
  • SNIP
  • SJR
Key Journal Stats
  • Time to Acceptance
    10 days
  • Time to Publication
    15 days
  • Acceptance Rate
    50 %
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